Who will you meet?
- Cold Storage Owners
- Cold Chain Consultant
- Supply Chain Solution Providers
- Dairy Products, Frozen Meat, Quick-frozen Foods Manufacturers
- Hotels & Restaurants (including Fast Food Chains)
- Airline Meal Providers/Canteen/Delicatessen Shop
- Seafood, Fruit, Vegetables, & Grains Exporters/Importers
- Cold Drink Enterprises
- Dairy Development & Related Organizations
- Transport, Logistics Shipping & Cargo Companies
- Retail Companies
- Engineering
- Automobile Automotive & Components
- Automation, IT & Software Professionals
- Hardware Store Owners
- Warehousing
- Automotive & Auto Comp
- Electronics & Electricals Companies
- Pharmaceutical Companies
Intensive Marketing Campaign:
Comprehensive marketing tools, both on and offline, will be implemented throughout the show period in Thailand and international markets to reach target buyers and our strong database.
They include:
- Newspapers/Magazines
- Radio
- Official Website/Web links
- E-letter Invitations
- Direct mail Invitations
- Online Advertising
- PR news
- Telemarketing
- Social Media: Facebook, Line, YouTube, LinkedIn
- Pre-show press conference/ Interviews